Considering that the internet is one of the fastest and cheapest ways to send information over long distances, it is no surprise that people are taking advantage of this technology. Not only are people meeting online more, but people are also shopping online more than before. People are spending, on average, 6 hours and 54 minutes online each day (DataReportal).
The significance of 4.66 billion people using the internet for discovering information and buying what they need without stepping foot into a business establishment is substantial.
As a result, we need to take a moment to consider a few fundamental elements of our websites.
- Do you love it?
- Is it relevant and up to date with the latest trends and demands on performance?
- Could it use a refreshment?
If any of these points make you think twice, it might be time to update your website. As customer needs change, so should your website and the accessibility of your products/services.
Importantly, 42% of consumers say that they will leave a website that has poor functionality (Top Design Firms). This is avoidable and can be rectified with a website freshen up. With the expansion of people shopping online more, our websites must continue to provide and offer more than our competitors.
Doing an indepth audit of your website will help you understand where to implement the changes. Ask yourself and someone you can trust to give constructive feedback on the following:
- Is your current design in line with recent trends and best practices?
- Are the images on your website current and relevant?
- Is your written content outdated, such as your blogs and user information?
Yet, equally important, does your website still represent your brand? If there has been a shift in your brand identity, you must update your website to reflect the changes.
Your returning customers deserve to see the best of you at all times, and new customers need to feel that they have found THE ONE when coming across your website!