How to Stay on Top Of a Full Calendar

Staying on top of your calendar is hard to do when you have so many things competing for your attention. With only so many hours in a day, it can be overwhelming to think of the many pressing things you still have to do, and with time steadily ticking away, pressing on can seem like an uphill battle.


So instead of completing all the goals we set out to do, we only end up completing a portion thereof, either by skipping over a few details here and there or completely missing others entirely. So how do we avoid this common pitfall and get through everything we have already calendarised to do?


Give it your undivided attention


Giving your undivided attention to tasks already penciled in is essential; knowing that you’ve given your all to a task leads to greater feelings of satisfaction and accomplishment knowing that you’ve given it your very best. Concentration solely on one thing at a time increases productivity and gives you the ability to stay on course to accomplish everything else you’ve set out to do.


Familiarise yourself with your schedule


When you have a lot to do, mentally preparing yourself beforehand can help you categorise tasks and save them in your memory bank for later. A simple technique like briefly checking your to-dos ahead of time can help alleviate the mental pressure of coping with a calendar that’s overflowing.


It’s okay to say ‘No’


Accepting invitations that you know might cause you to reschedule calendar events is a no-no. Again, this is not a hard and fast rule as breaks are essential to refresh and recharge. However, if you want to stay productive, then it’s not possible to say ‘yay’ to every invitation that comes your way. If you find that you are running behind, don’t be afraid to decline situations that have the potential to derail your calendar. If it takes a big chunk out of your time (and is not urgent), it can, in most cases, probably wait for later.


Stick to the plan


Timing is vital if you don’t want todos to run on to the next. Therefore, proper time management is the key to success; sticking to the time means sticking to the programme, which means you’ll have a higher probability of achieving all you set out to do. If, however, you find yourself in the same old situation where time seems to escape you, there are time management tools that can help you plenty.


No one enjoys the feeling of falling behind; if you need help staying on top of your calendar, contact us today for more information.

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